Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Life as a Musical

So I get it: if I want you to read/enjoy my blog, it has to be somewhat entertaining. I'm not always that tintillating, so I will rely at times on extras that I run across, whatever happens to move me, tickle me, or otherwise stir my spirit. This one falls in the tickle vein, though you must keep in mind that I'm a girl who weeps with joy at Disney parades.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Houston, we have lift-off

First question: why add another blog to the already-crowded realm of thoughtful web writers? Is this trend just more egotistical self-promotion? A twenty-first century twist on navel-gazing? Or is there some level of sincere generosity and self-expression in the mix? The best blogs I've read seem to contain some of the latter, and I'm hoping to follow in those more altruistic foot steps. By the way, thank you to those open-hearted artists who have gone before and shown the way to myself and others.

Not to say that I'm completely without personal motives here. In Chasing the Muse, I'm trying to share the truths of another dream of mine, that of being creative, and making a living of sorts in the process. I don't dream of or require an extravagant living, but I love the thought of creating beauty that pleases others, and in this context, pleases them enough to enable me to go and... create more art. The circle of life, commercially speaking:). It's new to me, but I'm not a girl who's afraid to dream, or in this case, cop to some mixed motives. I figure there are others dreaming the same dream, chasing the same muse. Would love to hear from you, and maybe we can follow our mentors' generosity, share and support one another's creative pursuits.

Factoids: I do mixed media mosaics. Fairly new to the scene, but loving the process. Here is my Etsy website, and I'd love to check out yours, and hear from you as well.